Aces In Yellow

Friday, January 20, 2006

Winter Break Grade

1. New York, Grade: A-

Free flowing alcohol, good company, seeing my Godbro, Time Sq, Ice skating, the whole shabang. What would push it to an A? Better sleep.

2. Tennis, Grade: B-

I wanted to train and do sprints. I didn't. The week in NY tore my whole game apart including my fitness level. I went relatively fit, came back a fat gummy bear. Though I didn't fail because I still managed to at least play tennis almost every single day that I wasn't away.

3. Poker, Grade: C-

I intended to play nearly 3 hours a day. I probably played 6-7 hours a week. Hardly meeting my goals.

4. MLK Jr. Book, Grade: F+

I read a few pages, dabbled around, but didn't get finish all of the book like I intended.

5. Mandarin Language, F

I didn't do any of it.

Though if I were to add a sixth, friends and family, that would earn a solid A.

6. Friends and Family (plus relaxation), A.

Overall GPA for Winter Break in terms of accomplished goals? C-. Subjective satisfaction with Winter Break = B+.


At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...only you assign *grades* for vacation...


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