Aces In Yellow

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My Playground

Yesterday I was eating at a sushi restaurant with a very clean smelling bathroom and I couldn't help but think, I kinda sorta wanna have sex in here. I look to my right then to my left, and there's no hot girlfriend waiting to have sex with me. The excitement, the passion, and the raw lust is not even all of it. Because every moment in which you are at that restaurant, you can't help but glance at each other with twinkling eyes and slight blushing. Both of you know of the deed, both of you are scared to bring it up in fear the waiter will overhear, but you both share the same secret. Sharing the secret, being caught up in your own world filled with insider jokes and experiences makes me feel as if the world was made for me. Egocentric sure, but an indescribably romantic feeling.

I miss it.


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