Aces In Yellow

Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's as easy as 1 2 3

I just got back from a friend's place after watching Blow. I had originally asked my friend to come with me, but she did something annoying and I just decided that I didn't want my friend w/ my sane friends (I think its bad to mix the sane w/ the insane).

here's what happen (vent alert):

I ask far in advance for friend to join me and my friends for a movie, namely Blow. She agrees. I then say that we will go right after I work out. An hour later, on the way back from working out, I call her and say that she should be ready soon because I'm on the way back. Then she tells me she's halfway across the Earth and will be at least 45 minutes as she has JUST sat down at Restaurant Halfway Across the Earth to eat. In fact, my roommate and friend had just ordered. Forty-five minutes would be fine except it takes longer than 45 min. to walk halfway across the globe. After calculating just the walking time to get back from halfway across the Earth, not to mention for the food to arrive, be eaten, and paid for, I decided it'd be far too long.

So I ask, "Why are you halfway across the planet when you know we're watching a movie soon?"

"I didn't know when you were going to be back... I thought I had more time."

(at this point im thinking, even if i take 3 hrs to workout, you still cant make it halfway across the globe and back to where we live.)

So I say, "Why didn't you eat somewhere closer, just walking back alone and we'll be super late."

"Well I probably can't make it back then."

"Okay, anyway, i gotta go, bye." click.

Thinking back, to her statement of having more time - I already know in my head that she couldn't believe that she had more time. That leaves several possibilities...

a) she doesn't give a damn.
b) she's purposely trying to get back at me for something and/or she is mad at me for something I may have done/implied/said, yet she has never brought up, so I'll never know
c) she stop liking me and decided fuck it, i dont want him as a friend either.
d) she really did believe she had more time and she's a complete and total ditz.

When people ask me what psycho behavior consists of, this is what I think it is. Of course, its not that big of deal except that it comes with a one-two punch of hot and cold behavior and sporadic withdrawal of affection. The affection returns when I'm talking to an attractive female in public.

I decided to give some easy step by step directions for all those girls who are trying to snatch a quality boyfriend.

1. Be an angel to him, his friends, and his family.
2. Be a devil in bed (think Penelope Cruz in Blow).
3. Be a loyal devil. (i.e. his eyes only)

Bonus Points: Apologize when you fuck up.


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