Aces In Yellow

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Cupid, can i borrow your arrow?

I'm a silly boy with a silly crush. This crush is like a psychological disease where relapes are common and often. I know that it is my most enduring and unhealthy crush, but I just don't know how to rid it from me. Talking about it relieves it somewhat in that it makes me realize how absolutely ridiculous and foolish it is. Writing about it now even gives me some perspective. As my friend says about it, "man, you're a fool. period." And every rational part of me agrees entirely. I can even explain how its irrational and senseless, yet its like the guilty pleasure that never leaves you and is always ready to rear its ugly head. Why do I continue to have feelings even if I'm sure she doesn't have the same feelings toward me? Oh, what can I do?


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