Aces In Yellow

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What category are you?

I've decided that there are four (+1) types of women when it comes to relationships and dating. While I'm sure there are sub-categories and sub-types, I think this sums it up:

Type#1: Undatable, religiously fanatic. Ultra conservative. Sexually unexciting.
Type#2: Datable, commitment phobic, pseudo-relationship seeking. Sexually adept.
Type#3: Genuinely seeking relationship, commitment, and a rewarding relationship built upon friendship, mutual respect, and good communication. Sexually inefficient and/or unexciting.
Type#4: Psycho.
Type#5: Perfect. Does not exist.

Now I decided to survey my friends to see which type they would like to date...

Friend#1: Personally, I prefer type#3 that isn't sexually "inefficient," but I haven't met one yet.

What about your girlfriend?

I don't know if I can pick her type. What she wants really depends on if she is on her period or not.

Friend#2: Are you kidding! There's only two types of women: ugly and hot. Since I won't do ugly, that only leaves hot and I've never met a hot girl thats not psycho.

Friend#3: Whats the difference between type#4 and the other types?


At 11:45 PM, Blogger aggressiveggroll said...

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At 5:59 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

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At 5:59 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

You ought to mention that psychos are often, if not usually, the most sexually skilled.


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