Aces In Yellow

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

You can just feel it inching up

Yep, that's right, back to my usual poker post. Today was the first day in like two weeks that I actually had some time to play. The more I think about poker, the more I realize that poker is not about talent, although Negreanu makes a very good case for it. Poker is about discipline. I truly believe anybody can be a profitable player. I think almost ANYONE can make at least $20-30 dollars an hour playing poker. The thing about poker that is different from other ventures, businesses, or sports is that you can select your own opponents and play them for money (esp w/ the help of internet poker). You don't have to match up against experts, experienced pros, or talented geniuses. You can match up against regular joes who are slightly or much worse than you and pull a profit on a consistent basis. Why play poker? Reason no.1: With good game selection, there's a lot of money up for grabs. And I like Doyle's argument, somebody's got to have the money in the pot, why not me?!

(Now this does not mean I think anybody can beat high stakes cash games or win the World Series of Poker with just discipline. While you can be profitable with strong discipline, to win high stakes poker or the WSOP requires many sets of skills and talent is definately, in my opinion, a prerequisite.)

With this theme in mind, I've begun to mold myself as a Sit N' Go specialist. It's a game that, at least for me, I do quite good at and rarely steam/tilt. Steaming and tilt is the opposite of discipline and I'm glad to have it eliminated from my game. It is also a game that is all about patience and folding. I use to play mostly short handed games which is about reading ability and aggression than it is about folding. Now I'm working on my biggest weakness in poker and in life - patience. And SNG survival is all about patience.


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