Aces In Yellow

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Finding the sane ones in an insane world

Things to find out within the first 3 dates...

1. The person should come from a 2 parent household where both parents communicate well with each other and are relatively happy.
2. The person's household income should be at least middle class or upper middle class.
3. The person's parents should be educated. At least one parent should hold at least a college diploma.
4. There should be no incidents of depression, bipolar, or other mood disorders within the persons immediate family and preferably extended family as well.
5. No incidents of suicide within the immediate family and preferably the extended family.
6. The person should have symmetrical facial features, clean and clear skin, healthy hair, big eyes, medium to large lips, and (in women) a chin that narrows slighly (in men, a strong jawline).
7. The person should be within the norm in height (preferably on the taller side), exercise several times a week, and have a favorable hip-to-waist ratio.
8. The person should be relatively intelligent (as judged by you).
9. The person should not be a registered republican or a religious fanatic unless by sheer accident or youthful ignorance (certain religions such as christianity, or catholicism should be eliminated as much as possible).
10. The person should have a favorable future potential earnings.
11. The person should have a pleasant personality and get along well with closest friends and family.
12. The person should be able to communicate her wants, needs, and desires in a relationship well.
13. The person should be college educated.
14. The person should be void of any genetic disorders or risks. The person should not be a carrier to any genetic diseases that put future children at risk.
15. Alcoholism and drug addiction should not run in the person's family or affect anyone in their immediate family. (The person themselves should not be an alcoholic or drug addict as well)

Many of these criteria are not within the person's control. While these things are not in the person's control, they help to greatly reduce people who are predisposed to having problematic relationships. These criteria also eliminate many poor candidates for raising a family of healthy, intelligent children. Of course, employing strictly to these criteria many eliminate good candidates for raising a family as well, but is much more likely to eliminate poor candidates. For example, a person of good genetic quality and that meets all of the other neccessary conditions may have grown up in a poor environment, but because of his/her positive qualities of endurance of pain, discipline, and resourcefulness may have managed to grow up relatively sane in an insane environment, therefore could still qualify as a good candidate. Because of this it is recommended that these conditions be employed almost all of the time, and be shown flexiblity in light of new information that would suggest the effect of any one of these conditions would be nullified. These are realistic conditions, though hard to come by, and even though I recognize their importance, I do not meet all of these conditions myself.


At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so true.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

definitely not 11 for you


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