Aces In Yellow

Friday, October 07, 2005

Forget class and sleep in

Sometimes when the alarm clock goes off in the wee hours of the morning, I can't help but think, would it really be such a big deal if I just slept in? To justify my need for extra sleep, I would think of all sorts of rationalizations. I would think, what are the chances that my professor is going to say something to today that isn't already written in a book somewhere? Why get up to hear him say stuff I can read in a book? Of course, the truth is, although most of what our professor's teach are written somewhere, it's still quite an effort to go find that book. As for professors that teach directly from the textbook they assign (I think they're totally lame), I rarely bother to go to lecture. I think there's little difference between reading them on blacklightning or reading a more efficient version of what they are saying in the textbook. The only real difference is that in person, you can ask probing questions, clarifying questions, or other general questions. But the thing is, you're not really suppose to ask questions in lecture. Those questions are suppose to be saved for discussion section.

Now consider another point, when you don't get enough sleep the night before, the effects of drowsiness and reduced concentration are felt immediately and throughout the next 16 waking hours. Some would even argue that it is dangerous to go a full day w/o sleep. When you don't attend lecture, do you feel any immediate negative effects? What about positive effects from attending lecture? Do you feel smarter, wiser, or find any sudden insights? There's really no immediate negative effects or immediate positive effects afterall, everyone knows that learning is a process. If that's the case, then I argue you should just stay in to sleep because learning is a process, but sleeping is the prerequisite. I mean they minus well write it onto the prequisites list because everyone knows that w/o a good nights sleep nobody can concentrate. I propose they write, "No learning allowed unless you fulfilled the below prerequisites: attend 8-10+ hours in your bed with you eyes closed while keeping your breathing steady and your body completely and utterly still while letting darkness swallow your consciousness. Repeat every 16-24 hours."


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