Aces In Yellow

Friday, October 14, 2005

Some jibberish

Okay, I have a confession. I don't really know what to write about right now. I just decided to write something. I have that weird feeling inside of me that compels me to express SOMETHING, even if it really is NOTHING.

I'm home right now and I always miss home and my mom, family, and so forth. But for some reason, I also miss Berkeley in a small way. I don't miss my tiny bed,but I do miss having lots of people to play tennis with. There's no one here that plays tennis!

I had brunch/lunch with Diana and Tony today. For the most part at Berkeley, I think about Berkeley people. The same ones that I encounter everyday - in and out. But coming back today and having lunch with them and just random talking, I realize I really do miss these guys. Each one still the same as always.

I also really look forward to seeing my cousins tomorrow. I really really miss them. I use to talk to them at least once a week. I'd announce and attempt to rationally defend all sorts of immature and childish theories I have on life while they patiently listened and laughed. In a life zone just ahead of me, they had a decade of experience and wisdom of which I could borrow from whether it be about school, girls, work, or the general stuff of life.

I have a SECOND confession. I haven't been playing poker as fiendishly as I should be. Starting this coming Monday, I decided I'm going to put in a solid week of solid poker. I've been playing tennis like a madman. I think the theme of my life right now is tennis. A ball, a racket, and a court - the necessities of my life.

So tomorrow, I've lunch with my mom - one on one. I've much to update her even though I talk to her on the phone nearly everyday. Then tomorrow night, I've a BBQ with my cousins. I get to see what they are all up 2. And lily- shes getting married - my beautiful cousin!

Sunday. I intend to have lunch w/ a friend. In the afternoon, I've scheduled tennis with an old tennis buddy. Sunday night, relax, MAYBE study (though i doubt it). Monday morning I fly back and get back into class and poker.


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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