Aces In Yellow

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Silly Parents

My dad keeps suggesting that I really should get into real estate.

I'm like, "Dad, you need to have money to get into real estate and frankly, I don't have enough of that."

My dad said, "It's okay, you can have all my money to do real estate"

In shock, "ALL? ALL your hard earned money?"

Nods smugly like he knows something that I don't. "All," he repeats.

I say, "What if I fail then you'll be broke as cow!"

Dad responds, "You won't fail, cuz my fortune teller said that you'll do real well in real estate!"

(I swear I didn't pay his fortune teller, but he's risking his life's earnings based on a fortune teller. silly silly! I love my dad.)


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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In mid-October, TechWeb asked its readers a question: What independent tech blogs do you think are best? After counting and re-counting the thousands of votes that were cast, here's the countdown... 10: ...
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At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats pretty cool. for my birthday my parents gave me money to invest. that'll be interesting.

and dude, you get lotsa really annoying comments on your blog.

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