Aces In Yellow

Sunday, September 18, 2005

You lying bullshitter

"What we say is mostly lies or bullshit. But the voice is there, the gesture, the posture, the facial expression, the psychosomatic language." -my psych textbook.

I really liked this quote because that is my exact theory when it comes to people. I think the weirdest shit can come out of your mouth and it doesn't matter. People are judging by exactly that what is listed above: the voice, facial expressions, posture, etc. That's why my theory of hitting on women was not to fuss over what to say, but only how you say it and how you express yourself. She's not judging you by the logic of your statements. There's no logic to flirtation anyway. Later, as people get to know you better, then logic and the character of what you're actually saying matter. That's just my opinion at least.

I wonder how I'd test my theory?

My thought was to hit on a bunch of randomly selected girls and to use the same exact speech patterns, body language, gestures and so forth, and say a bunch of unacceptable things and logically unsound statements. Of course, I never select people to meet on a random basis, nor can I reproduce the same exact patterns of behavior exactly the same way everytime.


At 12:50 AM, Blogger aggressiveggroll said...

wow. i admire ur balls to write that...

u r the ugliest person i have ever ever met

At 1:42 AM, Blogger Eric said...

aggressiveggroll, I wasn't suggesting to hit on people saying random things. I was simply implying that it'd be impossible to test my theory that it doesn't matter so much what is said because its humanly impossible to be constant from person to person.

The other implication is that most people aren't listening that hard anyway. While you might interpret my entry as being shallow and superficial, I was implying that other people or all people in general are unfairly superficial and shallow and that's why my theory of saying anything should work. Lights, fireworks, and charming fluff work better in the short term than the long term... though its still hard to explain how Bush got elected TWICE without much substance between his ears.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger aggressiveggroll said...

you lying bullshitter

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...awww...eric...try that on me...see if it works...but then again...i'm slightly biased.

At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


*slow clap*


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