Aces In Yellow

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Silly Parents

My dad keeps suggesting that I really should get into real estate.

I'm like, "Dad, you need to have money to get into real estate and frankly, I don't have enough of that."

My dad said, "It's okay, you can have all my money to do real estate"

In shock, "ALL? ALL your hard earned money?"

Nods smugly like he knows something that I don't. "All," he repeats.

I say, "What if I fail then you'll be broke as cow!"

Dad responds, "You won't fail, cuz my fortune teller said that you'll do real well in real estate!"

(I swear I didn't pay his fortune teller, but he's risking his life's earnings based on a fortune teller. silly silly! I love my dad.)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bad Ass Government Spy!

I had this idea that I thought was pretty bad ass. I decided that instead of playing 4 tables on one monitor, I'll get a second vid card and play 8 tables on 2 screens. Then before I start playing I'll wear a suit and put on Matrix style sunglasses so I'll look like I'm a government spy doing secret governmental work in my dorm room. Now, isn't that just a bad ass image?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I think I might have a test tomorrow...

I think I might have a test tomorrow, but I've spent the last many hours reading more poker books. I think I can boast that I've read (or looked at it and decided it was too beginner for me) every single poker book on Hold'em in the Barnes and Noble on Shattuck. I think theres 5 shelf loads worth of books of probably 40-50 different books. Ten to fifteen of those books I own and reread all the time.

(If you want to know which ones I think are best, they are:

Dan Harrington's two books, Doyle Brunson's super system, Sklansky's Hold'em for Advanced Players, and Theory of Poker. I might have missed some here, but also Barry Greenstein's book is thoughtprovoking. )

One of my roommates would sometimes sit watching my online poker playing sessions from the very beginning to the end. He acts extremely impressed by the numbers I generate. I don't know how many times I called out the other players hands for him only to have myself be right. When he looks shocked, baffled, and absolutely impressed, I act nonchalant, but really, inside, I'm as a giddy as a schoolboy. I like hearing his questions, "How'd you do that?"

"C'mon tell me..."

I think I skip and hop to class on days that he watches me win... I mean that look is priceless! Actually, I think my test is in several hours... no skipping or hopping for me tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

You lying bullshitter

"What we say is mostly lies or bullshit. But the voice is there, the gesture, the posture, the facial expression, the psychosomatic language." -my psych textbook.

I really liked this quote because that is my exact theory when it comes to people. I think the weirdest shit can come out of your mouth and it doesn't matter. People are judging by exactly that what is listed above: the voice, facial expressions, posture, etc. That's why my theory of hitting on women was not to fuss over what to say, but only how you say it and how you express yourself. She's not judging you by the logic of your statements. There's no logic to flirtation anyway. Later, as people get to know you better, then logic and the character of what you're actually saying matter. That's just my opinion at least.

I wonder how I'd test my theory?

My thought was to hit on a bunch of randomly selected girls and to use the same exact speech patterns, body language, gestures and so forth, and say a bunch of unacceptable things and logically unsound statements. Of course, I never select people to meet on a random basis, nor can I reproduce the same exact patterns of behavior exactly the same way everytime.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I hit all my ROYAL FLUSH #2 with the QJ suited again!

No-limit Texas Hold'em $100+$8 (real money), hand #1,256,491,057
Atlanta Single Table Tournament, 11 Sep 2005 11:21 AM

View Previous | Next hand for this table.

Seat 1: andrewlinden ($3,915 in chips)
Seat 3: blink704 ($2,655 in chips)
Seat 4: Changeling82 ($3,935 in chips)
Seat 5: etc5588ct [QC,JC] ($2,400 in chips)
Seat 6: ProomNuts ($2,570 in chips)
Seat 7: Ratazana ($2,490 in chips)
Seat 8: GRANT25 ($2,470 in chips)
Seat 9: mouse56 ($2,210 in chips)
Seat 10: christo25 ($2,355 in chips)

Changeling82 posts blind ($15), etc5588ct posts blind ($30).

ProomNuts folds, Ratazana folds, GRANT25 folds, mouse56 folds, christo25 folds, andrewlinden folds, blink704 folds, Changeling82 calls $15, etc5588ct checks.

FLOP [board cards JD,10C,AC ]
Changeling82 bets $30, etc5588ct bets $120, Changeling82 calls $90.

TURN [board cards JD,10C,AC,8D ]
Changeling82 bets $60, etc5588ct calls $60.

RIVER [board cards JD,10C,AC,8D,KC ]
Changeling82 bets $60, etc5588ct bets $400, Changeling82 folds.

etc5588ct wins $880.

Dealer: blink704
Pot: $880
andrewlinden, loses $0
blink704, loses $0
Changeling82, loses $270
etc5588ct, bets $610, collects $880, net $270
ProomNuts, loses $0
Ratazana, loses $0
GRANT25, loses $0
mouse56, loses $0
christo25, loses $0

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Online Aid Tournament - 29 Place

Online Aid Tournament
NoLimit TexasHoldem (Real Money)
Buy-in: $20+$0

Tournament Started: Sep 10, 2:00 PM ET (6:00 PM GMT)

Entrants: 286
Max players: 2400

I placed in the money. NO.29th.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Time flies but where?

The thing with schooling @ Berkeley is that I never know where my time goes. I keep wondering... why is it that I feel like I haven't had time to do ANY reading or assignments? So far, I know I've done two things for sure. Go to class and sleep. In between, I have all this time, but no idea where it's been going. In fact, I haven't even played poker for like a week! I feel like I'm still continuing life the way it was like during summer except during the summer I had time to play poker!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm sick and dying and feel like I'm on drugs

I recently caught this disastrous cold. Being sick really feels like shit. I don't even like to socialize while I'm sick or play poker for that matter! And I went to my psy101 discussion today only to find the door locked. I forget again! Section doesn't meet. The only reason I went was because my clinical psychology section met on Wed. morning and I missed it thinking that it did not meet. Berkeley is screwing with my head already!

Despite being so sick, I've been rushing three fraternities. Axio, Lambdas, and the Pineapples. I don't know if I'd join or not, but they really are so generous with the free food. A college student can live off of the free food that's given out during the first couple weeks of school. My roommmate and I have dinner for the entire week scheduled based on which organizations are offering the best foods at the most convenient times.
