Aces In Yellow

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Better lucky than good

I wonder what's going through this guy's mind.

(This is play between me and the other big stack @ pokerchamps)

Cutoff seat raises and I call from SB with 55. Heads up play.

Me: 5h5c

Flop: 5d As Qs

I check, he bets the pot size, and I raise him 4x the pot, and then he promptly goes all in. At this point I think, for sure he has an A or AQ two pair even. I quickly call .
Turn brings a 10.
River a 3.

Spades didn't hit so I effectively trapped him for all his money.

Damn fool turns over KcJs. He re-raised my MASSIVE re-raise all in and he didn't even have a sensible holding. In fact he was drawing to 4 outs. That lucky lucky fool. Does he even know how bad he was playing?!


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