Aces In Yellow

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Did he really? really really?

I keep asking myself this. I'm in the Big Blind and the button calls and the small blind calls.

Flop comes K 2 K

I have 94, but I decided that a flop like that misses everyone, so I made a bet at it. $8 into a $10 dollar pot (blinds were $1/3) to deter an A high from calling. The man calls (SB folds) AND announces that he has trip Ks.

The turn comes a 6 and I say, I check to trip Ks then.
He quickly checks behind me.

River brings a 9. I think, now I have two pair and he didn't play like he had Ks. I value bet $10 and he announces that he's all in for $30 more. I didn't believe him, but I just couldn't call.

It's just a small pot in the grand scheme of things, but I just had to know if he had it. So I asked him, what did you have that hand? He claims that he had K 9. I thought, so he had a full house? But I had a nine in my hand, what are the chances he has one too and also has the K. And since he had the K, why did he check the turn?

I keep thinking, die he really? really really? really really actually have K9?
I decided that he was full of $hit. I decided though that my laydown was still justified because he probably had A9 or Q9.

I folded to him at the time because he was a really tight player in general. But he was also running low stacked. I think he was lying between his teeth. Damn poker players!


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