Aces In Yellow

Thursday, June 16, 2005

40 wrong numbers in 20 minutes

This morning I'm trying to sleep and a phone call comes in. I hear a unfamiliar voice asking for "Dr. Patell." I utter, "Wrong number." Her unfamiliar voice becomes very familiar as that call comes in 30 more times making me extremely frustrated. I keep thinking, how HARD is it to call a 7 digit number?! Finally, the lady says that she has been calling this number 626 917 18%%. Suffice to say, that is not anything close to my number. She says that she tried having the operator call it but it still connects to me. So I ask her for the number and I try calling it with my cell phone and miraculously it connects to me. So I found out I have 2 phone numbers that both connect to my house. So then I call my mom and have her try calling the number too and my phone ends up ringing. As a result of all the ringing, I now know I have two numbers AND now I can't get back to sleep!


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