Aces In Yellow

Monday, July 18, 2005

Personality Profile Online


By analyzing your answers to the Relationship Questionnaire we have created the following Personality Profile. Everyone has a set of subconscious wants and desires that drive their choices and attitudes. By asking you questions about a wide range of emotional issues, this report has established general patterns in your values.

Some of the following information may seem inaccurate or incomplete. Remember, that this profile is a snapshot of your personality at a specific moment. It is not intended as an in-depth analysis of your complete being, but as a tool to aid in self-discovery.

* You have a high interest in the new, the unusual and the adventurous. You may also be curious and have a wide range of interests, preferring an ever-changing environment.

* You respect those who win out against the odds and show persistence. You set high goals for yourself and others.

* You love challenges and competition. Those who know you may consider you to be a high risk-taker.

* You love challenges and competition. At the same time, you must realize and appreciate that others may not share your zest for challenges and competition.

* In social situations, you prefer variety, adventure and the unusual. You may lose interest if you feel a situation is becoming routine. As a result, you must be kept busy and involved with making things happen.

* You will take issue and not shy away from confrontation when others disagree with how you feel or think.

* You have a natural enthusiasm for the activities you prefer. Because of your enthusiasm, you may forget that others have different wants and needs.

* Your primary social strategy is making things happen and happen now. Usually very active, you thrive on challenge. When the going gets tough, you get going.


Each person has a unique way of communicating. We use a combination of body language, facial expression, verbal tone and word choice to share ourselves with others. The following statements offer a look at the natural behavior you bring to an interpersonal relationship.

* Having a variety of results at stake brings out the best in you. Your great strength is in directing yourself and others toward specific activities results.

* Your high ego traits coupled with impatience may have others read you as arrogant at times. This is only appreciated by others when they understand that you need quick results, challenges and competition.

* You are active in the things you do and in your communication. Your rapid mental activity becomes apparent when, rather than listening to others, you will be thinking of what you might say next.

* Not having a climate of challenges and competition may cause you to create such a climate. You perform best under pressure, and may assume that others want the same...your assumption is not always true.

* You have a natural competitive style. It is important for you to feed that competitive spirit, while also showing more patience with those who choose not to be so competitive.

Improving communication

Many different factors determine the communication styles with which you are most comfortable. Some individuals thrive on the challenge of pointed criticism, while others are at their best in a nurturing environment where criticism is offered as a suggestion for improvement. Each of us has a unique set of requirements and preferences. Below is a list of communication styles that will mesh well with your own. Having a partner who understands and practices these traits is important to your long-term happiness.

* Take issue with the facts, not the person, if you disagree.

* Plan interactions which support dreams and goals.

* Support results, not the person, if you agree.

* Talk about new ideas, innovations and activities.

* Provide options, rather than opinions.

* Be brief, clear and to the point.

* Plan sufficient time to talk and listen.

* Be ready at the exact time.

* Provide questions and choices for making decisions.

* Omit the details and get to the "bottom line."

* Ask specific questions--preferably "WHAT" questions.

* Talk about expectations.


Following are some of the specific strengths and/or personal characteristics that you bring to a relationship. These may form the foundations of many of your friendships and dealings with other people. Some will seem obvious, but you may be surprised by others. Take a moment to reflect on each and consider what role it may have played in your past successes, and even failures.

* You generally dislike the "status quo," and are exhilarating to be around.

* You often have innovative ideas.

* You like to initiate new activities.

* You are a good planner and enjoy looking ahead to the future.

* You are socially poised and people-oriented.

* You tend to be influential in decision-making situations. Others often turn to you for advice.

* You tend to be very goal-oriented.

* You have an excellent sense of humor and tend to see humor in events spontaneously.

* You tend to be tenacious about solving problems, not liking to give up until something is resolved.

* You tend to enjoy life and share that enjoyment with others.


In general, human beings are defined by their needs and individuals by their wants. Your emotional wants are especially important when establishing with whom you are compatible. While answering the Relationship Questionnaire you established a pattern of basic, subconscious wants. This section of the report was produced by analyzing those patterns. Our wants change as we mature and obtain our life goals. You may find it valuable to revisit this section periodically to see how your wants have changed.

You may want:

* A friendly, favorable social environment.

* No close supervision--you don't want people to hang over your shoulder.

* Unusual, new or innovative activities.

* Recognition of skills and ability.

* Freedom from many rules and regulations and the ability to write your own rules.

* A chance to be seen and heard--to work hard and play hard.

* Freedom from detail.

* Exposure and recognition by those who really appreciate your results and achievements.

* Acceptance in a variety of groups.

* An outlet to vent your emotions frequently.

* Excitement and variety of activities.

* Many and varied activities.


Took me so long to complete the profile, I had to save my results somewhere. Some of the things I find very true, a few slightly inaccurate, and many of them quite vague.


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