Aces In Yellow

Friday, July 22, 2005

That's baloney!

I accidently screamed this out in class while the professor was lecturing. I think the professor must of found it quite offensive. Here's how it happen:

This one girl asks the professor, is the saying true, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?" The professor responds that research does show that if you cheat once, you are more likely to cheat again. He explained this line of reasoning followed by examples and a few analogies to thieves being more likely to steal after getting away with it once. I found myself nodding along in relative agreement. After all, its supported by the research!

Then I think finding the class quite depressed, he turns to an optimistic note. He begins to say that people do change, can do counseling, and can dedicate themselves to changing. True I thought, people could try to change. Then he suggested that cheaters can try to become faithful non cheater people. I agreed. Then he suggested that cheaters can ACTUALLY become faithful loyal non cheater people. At this juncture, the whole class is quiet in this lecture hall of over 100 (as they have for over the last hour). At the same second that the professor seems to pause to catch his breath and maybe wait for questions, I accidently blurted out the words, "That's baloney!" The whole class kind of turned around and glanced at me. A few with smiling faces (smirking/laughing at or with me, I'm not sure) and others with a curious glance. The professor looks at me sternly and sarcastically says, "Um okay." Then he continues right on lecturing. I think I might have pissed him off.

But, he was spewing out such baloney. I have personal experience with this one. Everyone knows, "once a cheater, always a cheater!"


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