Aces In Yellow

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Let it Rage

I can't wait for break. I've quite a few goals for the one month break we are about to have.

1. Poker (financial, mental)

I intend to practice poker a lot more than I've had a chance to play this semester. I hoping to do so about 3-4 hours a day or possibly up to 5-6 hours time permitting. I intend to play ring games or many tables of SNGs and really work on thinking through my decisions. I also hope to thoroughly analyze those decisions more using hand histories.

2. Mandarin Language (culture and language)

In order to take Chinese class next semester, I'll need to brush up on my Mandarin dramatically. In order to do so, I have to study ch.17-25 on my Mandarin textbook. My Berkeley professor even suggested that I try to study a bit more if I can so I won't feel like I'm falling behind in the class. I intend to do just ch.17-25. That equates to about 3 chapters a week or about 1 chapter every three days. I think I'll have to dedicate maybe three hours a day to this since one of the weeks I'll be gone to NY.

3. Tennis (physical)
I think the most important aspect of any sport is to be fit. Fitness transfers to all other aspects of your life, from your attention span, expected happiness in life and length of life, as well as ability to play other sports. Things like strength training, quickness, agility, eye-hand coordination, and overall fitness will help, I think, to help me live an overall healthy lifestyle. I think this will take 1.5 hours a day if I add it to a jumprope routine.

I have this book on tennis fitness and strength training. I intend to follow it as religiously as possible. I also intend to play as much as 2 hours a day. Despite fitness, practice and stroke consistency is still a must and also keeps me motivated because playing good tennis is such an unbelievable high.

4. Martin Luther King Jr. (knowledge, inspiration, mental)

I really want to read his posthumous autobiography I believe it will help me gain insight onto how to battle social injustice especially that towards Asian Americans. In addition, even if it doesn't, I think he was a great man, and much of what he said has really rung true to me. I'm sure it can't hurt to read about him. The book is about 400 pages. I think that comes out to be about 100 pages a week. With only 3 weeks, thats about 134 pages a week, 20 pages a day, which I'll give as maybe 20 min. to 1/2 hours a day.

5. New York (social, culture)

I'm going to NY. I'm going to eat well, have fun, relieve stress, see musicals, and just thoroughly enjoy myself in NY with my lovely friends.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A is for Abstinence

In order to break my highly conservative Christian roommate's resolve in remaining a virgin, I've been bombarding him with all the sex resources I could find...

Of course, I don't really believe any of that bullshit. I think scientific researchers are full of shit. The only way to go is what the bible says... no sex before marriage! After all, the bibles advice is not written by fallible researchers. It's the word of God written out by prophets into this 1000+ page book.


Sunday, December 04, 2005

My Playground

Yesterday I was eating at a sushi restaurant with a very clean smelling bathroom and I couldn't help but think, I kinda sorta wanna have sex in here. I look to my right then to my left, and there's no hot girlfriend waiting to have sex with me. The excitement, the passion, and the raw lust is not even all of it. Because every moment in which you are at that restaurant, you can't help but glance at each other with twinkling eyes and slight blushing. Both of you know of the deed, both of you are scared to bring it up in fear the waiter will overhear, but you both share the same secret. Sharing the secret, being caught up in your own world filled with insider jokes and experiences makes me feel as if the world was made for me. Egocentric sure, but an indescribably romantic feeling.

I miss it.
