Aces In Yellow

Monday, May 30, 2005

Newer Bigger Better?

My mom suddenly bought me a new widescreen television. The TV is huge and really nice. She went out and bought it without ever even telling me. If she had told me, I would have told her not to buy it. I was perfectly okay with my current old TV. It wasn't spectacular but it served its purpose. I rarely watch cable anyway, and I watch a lot of DVDs. It really felt like an unneccessary spending of money. It makes me wonder why she bought it in the first place...

I suspect that she misses me so much that she really wanted to buy something nice for me. She really wants me to enjoy my time at home so I stay here. I think all those stories of how all my college friends @ UC Berkeley stayed at berkeley made her scared that I might decide to do the same. TV or no TV, I love her all the same. Why she has to go buy this huge ass TV... it looks awkwardly big to me still.


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