Aces In Yellow

Thursday, February 22, 2007

University Education = Wasteful spending?

Its moments like this that really challenge the importance of school in my mind. Lately I've been far more convinced that a university education is really just a business that sells the idea that we need to go there to get educated. They want us there because they want our money. The reason i've started to feel this way is because I rarely need to attend my classes, but I jsut read my books and the exams are stupidly easy. I don't even bother to check my grades thats how i dont care for them anymore. Then you read about many obscure great artists, writers, great business people or whoever meets the societal definitions of success and you wonder: did they need school or just books? To drive home my point, Malcolm X never went to school but was just as educated. He didn't pay 3.8k of fees every semester but he got the education he needed in books. So i think, the key lies in books. Imagine the number of books you can buy w/ 3.8k in fees. Imagine the number of music records you could buy. What a waste hard earned money. I feel deceived, utterly fooled that I believe along with my parents and much of society that it is so important to get this certification of graduation. For example, you taking classes at a community college now for a fraction of the cost for your own learning (not that damn certificate) and that makes much more sense to me.

First thing i'm going to tell my kids is that if they chose to go to college... they are paying for every cent of it. Then they can spend the first five years working and feeling the regret as their hard earned resources leave their bank accounts. That brings me to my other point. These mysterious people had to convince everyone in the world that an university education was super important, but at the same time they had to figure out how to separate the ignorant from their money for as much as possible. So they invented loans. So convinced even the poorest of poor that finally managed to save enough pour that as an investment into their university education. Really, I bet if they were smart enough to get into a school like Berkeley then they were smart enough to find a way to make that ticket of opportunity sail them further in their lives. University education really is just a terrible opportunity cost. Then again, they can't be that smart since they chose to come here and be tricked anyway.

Business really is a brutal thing. The other day my dad was telling me that his competitors tell their customers that their Asian furniture are all authentic and over 200 years old. My dad said that he'd lay his everything he owned that not more than a half dozen items in their store is over 3 years old. I believe him. I asked him if it worked for them, and he said that it did because the typical white consumer didn't know any better. The business of education is the same thing.

Disclaimer: don't get me wrong. i think education is VERY important. I just don't think the University education at 3.8k per semester is important. 2nd disclaimer: i do think business does alot of good for the world, but i also think it lends itself to deception as well.


At 6:31 AM, Blogger SharonFling said...

Its moments like this that really challenge the importance of school in my mind.Lately I've been far more convinced that a university education is really just a business that sells the idea that we need to go there to get educated.Business really is a brutal thing.
Business education includes management, administration,
executive, leadership, marketing and articles.
Business Articles
business, business degrees, e-business degree, education

At 11:21 AM, Blogger PokerSpaz said...

Eric, its called branding. You goto berkeley, you should know that. I guarantee w/o connections you should find a better job than me because berkeley is a better college. If you only had pasedena on your resume, I would have a higher probability of getting a better job.

All college is an investment, to help you find a better job. If you were to tell this to your next employer they would laugh at you and take the next candidate.

Colleges spend alot of time, trying to market their brand name so they are more respected in the work force. *cough* Berkeley *cough*. If i were, you I would be networking with all the ballers and get connected so finding a better job after college would be ridiculously easy.
Here are the best national business schools in the nation.

National picks:
1. University of Michigan (Ross)
2. Dartmouth College (Tuck)
3. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)
4. Columbia University
5. University of California, Berkeley (Haas)

Eric...the degree is imporant and college is important. I guarantee you, you would be in the biggest shithole after you graduated from highschool with no college brand name attached to your resume.

I love argueing...please IM me back haha

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so its about 1 BRK.B stock a semester. What a wounderfulway to indexthe value of a education....


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