Aces In Yellow

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Conversion Points

You know in the movies when you watch the good guy fight the bad guy and the bad guy gets to a point where he is just about to kill the good guy but instead he hesitates? Or when the good guy can kill the bad guy but lets him go and then years later he has to deal with the bad guy again? Or when you're watching a movie and you see the girl and the guy's mouth inches away but someone interrupts them?

Finishing off the point. Sealing the deal, etc. etc. Well, I have a dozen or so stories of failed conversion points. Everything falls into place and all i have to do is pull her in and land the kiss. It's like I fly the plane perfectly from LA to Taipei and then I can't land the plane. I just keep flying around the airport in hope the ground will land itself on my wheels. It's like setting up the point in tennis and then missing the easy overhead by slamming it into the net.

It's unforgivable, and I dwell on it the most when I fail to convert my opportunities. What are conversion points/opportunities? It's when your desire for her coincides with a moment where the only reasonable thing to do is to kiss her. So if you don't actually want to kiss them and the oppourtunity presents itself, thats not considered a conversion point. It only counts if you get the oppourtunity and want it, but you don't kiss them. Getting opportunities can be hard work, and some guys never even get them. Sadly, telling yourself not to screw up only makes it harder to be the suave gentleman that makes just the right move at just the right time.


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