Aces In Yellow

Monday, January 23, 2006

New semester goals

It is a new semester and time to set goals.

1. Grades and Learning

Last semester was about being lost. This semester I'm still lost, but I'm going to be productive and do well in my classes. So far I'm still waitlisted for finance and Mandarin. I find finance pretty interesting so I hope i get added... though they say the prof. is extremely hard.

2. Tennis, Health & Fitness

Still among one of the most important goals this semester is health and fitness. So far I've been steady by playing tennis and going to the gym. I usually play tennis 6-7 times a week and workout about 4x a week. My intention is to maintain this routine and see some steady improvement. I also intend to get 10 hours a sleep a night.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Winter Break Grade

1. New York, Grade: A-

Free flowing alcohol, good company, seeing my Godbro, Time Sq, Ice skating, the whole shabang. What would push it to an A? Better sleep.

2. Tennis, Grade: B-

I wanted to train and do sprints. I didn't. The week in NY tore my whole game apart including my fitness level. I went relatively fit, came back a fat gummy bear. Though I didn't fail because I still managed to at least play tennis almost every single day that I wasn't away.

3. Poker, Grade: C-

I intended to play nearly 3 hours a day. I probably played 6-7 hours a week. Hardly meeting my goals.

4. MLK Jr. Book, Grade: F+

I read a few pages, dabbled around, but didn't get finish all of the book like I intended.

5. Mandarin Language, F

I didn't do any of it.

Though if I were to add a sixth, friends and family, that would earn a solid A.

6. Friends and Family (plus relaxation), A.

Overall GPA for Winter Break in terms of accomplished goals? C-. Subjective satisfaction with Winter Break = B+.
