Aces In Yellow

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Kindness equates with Car Hassle

Two weeks ago, someone hit my car. It was entirely his fault. Since we agreed to deal with it outside of insurance and allow him to pay for it, I've been driving my car back and forth from home to the car dealership. First, I spent an afternoon to get two estimates on the car only to find that they thought it was too expensive. As a result, they came and took my car to get a cheaper estimate. It was half the price of the 2 estimates i got, so my father was suspicious of the place. So we had to drive it there to make sure the place is legit and that they will do a good job fixing our car.

Once it comes back, I have to drive the car there again so they could order parts for the car. And finally, today morning I was taken there to rent a car so that I'll have a car to drive while my car is being fixed. I get there to rent a car and the guy asks me if I can bring the car back next Tuesday because he is afriad that the parts won't ship and the people who hit my car have to pay for a rental many extra days. I had a suspicion he simply too lazy or too booked and didn't feel like fixing our car.

As a result, its quite a hassle to me because I have to bring it back again on Tuesday. Not only that, they have to drive me there again. Basically, getting in a car accident is a hassle for everyone involved, but sometimes I wonder, if I let insurance deal with it, wouldn't it be much less hassle? The problem with being nice is that it never pays. It always costs you more than you bargained for.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

40 wrong numbers in 20 minutes

This morning I'm trying to sleep and a phone call comes in. I hear a unfamiliar voice asking for "Dr. Patell." I utter, "Wrong number." Her unfamiliar voice becomes very familiar as that call comes in 30 more times making me extremely frustrated. I keep thinking, how HARD is it to call a 7 digit number?! Finally, the lady says that she has been calling this number 626 917 18%%. Suffice to say, that is not anything close to my number. She says that she tried having the operator call it but it still connects to me. So I ask her for the number and I try calling it with my cell phone and miraculously it connects to me. So I found out I have 2 phone numbers that both connect to my house. So then I call my mom and have her try calling the number too and my phone ends up ringing. As a result of all the ringing, I now know I have two numbers AND now I can't get back to sleep!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Leaving for Monterey

I'm leaving for Monterey today for my cousin's wedding. It the first wedding among my cousins and I'm pretty excited. Look for updates on Neal and Sashika's wedding on a later post.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Back in Action

After not playing any hold'em for 3 weeks prior to the end of school due to papers and finals, I'm finally back. And when I first came back after the 3 weeks of not playing, I think I was rusty, and as a result all i did was lose. But now I'm back in style, making back all the losses from the last week and and back in the green over 1k. It's good to be back. Btw, check out It lets you play freerolls for free without depositing any money. It relatively new - use my affliate code if you sign up. My affliate code is : BONUSPLUS.

It feels gowd damn good to be back.
