Aces In Yellow

Thursday, October 04, 2007

One hand with thought process (Lim40/80)

I had J9 clubs in BB.

Roy (super super tight player) raises. SB calls. I call.

flop comes 2 5 6 two clubs. check, check, roy bets. Roy although tight, I've observed him raise w/ AK c-bet before as well as medium and big pocket pairs. He usu. limps the smaller ones so i dont believe he has set.

After roy bets, sb calls, I elect to raise for a couple of reasons. One: I'll have good bluffing equity if he has a hand like AK. two: to maximize my equity in the flop w/ a third person with my flush draw. Turn comes J. i bet, he raises. I think for a long time and decided to 3-bet for a few reasons. One, if he has a medium pair, this is likely raising for a free showdown while simutaneously protecting himself against the flush draw. In that case, I should three bet for value and bet river. Finally, if he has a hand like AA, he is unlikely to 4-bet. And if I just call he likely will actually check behind if a flush comes costing me one big bet so I know ill have to bet into him if i hit flush. And he'd bet into me if flush misses since I'm going to call river for sure w/ my pair of Js in this big pot which would mean i pay an extra bet everytime i miss and gain one less bet everytime i hit. The 3-bet although supposedly seeming to cost me more money actually gains me an extra bet everytime im ahead, and saves me the exact number of bets when im behind. Therefore i elect to get the bet in now so i get the extra two bets no matter what if i hit flush, but if he check river upon missing flush, he is (hopefully) unlikely to bet AA even if flush misses in fear of what i had when i 3-bet river. complicated hand huh?

River comes a blank, i check, he checks his 77 i win w/ J9s. At end of hand, i felt bad cuz i felt like I may have missed a river bet since he's unlikely to fold upon calling my 3-bet on turn. But I feared he had a hand like AA when he re-raised me on the turn since he's a tight player. But even tight players fall into the trap of my image.
