Aces In Yellow

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dedicated or consumed with madness?

I feel consumed. I spend hours a day thinking about poker. Nearly the first thing I think of when I wake is some hand I played, how I could've gotten more value for a certain hand, or how i misplayed some hand or endless other strategic considerations. The last thing I think about before bedtime is the same story. It's becoming more than just work or a passion, but almost an obsessive addiction.

Is this madness? Have I gone mad or I'm focused and dedicated - have I crossed the line?

Today was the first time I went to Lucky Chances. I saw this 22 year old (he looked young, and i later asked him his age) with nearly 15k in chips in front of him. I envied him so much. He just looked so cool playing with the big boys at such a young age. I one day want to play the 10-10-20, 40 to open game at Lucky Chances. Problem is the game plays so big it'd require a huge bankroll. I recognized some fish I play at the Tu/Th big yellow game at Casino San Pablo. I can visualize my next goal. I'd have to work hard on my game so that I can bankroll myself into the 10-10-20 blinds game at LC. My patience tests me. I was itching just to take a shot at the game. Do I need saving?


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